Listening reeducation should always be done under the supervision of a fully trained and accredited Tomatis Professional who can adjust your program daily depending on your reactions.
The psychological attitude of the consultant plays a big role.
Listening reeducation requires special accompaniment, especially the attitude of our technicians who stimulate the creativity and imaginatin daily as children paint, play and do crafts together.
Tomatis Systemic Therapy (3 sessions or more)
Sessions 1 & 2 : Children (under 18) are accompanied by their mother for free.
During session 3 : Children speak in the language booth (with new frequencies restored to their voice in session 1 and 2) then are accompanied by the father.
Adults works individually.
Essential elements of the Tomatis listening pedagogy are:
Musical Sonic Return
In the 1950’s when Dr Tomatis researched the nature of sound in the womb, he discovered the foetus hears at 4 months sound it hears is filtered by the backbone and amniotic fluid so 8-9000 Hertz remains.
In this phase we remove frequencies until only 9000 Hz remains.
Mother’s Voice Filtered at 9000 hertz
Restablishes will, motivation and desire to communicate
Awakens the evolutionaly life force
Reconnects the child/adult to the basic structure of life
Musical Sonic Rebirth
Replaces frequencies from high to low
Helps integrate world and overcome blockages
Establishes leading right ear (faster than the left ear)
Active Listening
“When we speak and listen to ourselves - we exist”
Enhances self-confidence and creates authenticity
Decreases dependency on opinions of others by listening to his own voice first
Develops personality, through language and voice
Father's Voice
Introduces language and brings child out of symbiosis with mother
Connects child with outside world ( socially, linguisticly, culturally)
Enforces auditory lateraliy on the right
Since it is supervised in the center by competent professionals, it is reimbursed by most complimentary insurances.
The method is compatible with other therapies.
Centre d'Ecoute et de Santé Fleur
Chemin du Couchant 17
1180 Rolle
Spoken language